sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

Sympathetic character / Quien mejor me cae

I was afraid you´d hit me if i´d spoken up / Tenía miedo que me golpearas si llegaba a hablar
I was afraid of your physical strength / Tenía miedo de tu fuerza
I was afraid  you´d hit below the belt / Tenía miedo de tus golpes bajos
I was afraid of your sucker punch / Tenía miedo de tus trompadas traicioneras
I was afraid of you reducing me / Tenía miedo que me redujeras
I was afraid of your alocohol breath / Tenía miedo a tu aliento a alcohol
I was afraid of your complete disregard for me / Tenía miedo a tu completo desinterés por mí
I was afraid of your temper / Tenía miedo de tu mal carácter
I was afraid of handles being flown off of / Tenía miedo que volaran los picaportes
I was afraid of holes being punched into walls / Tenía miedo que hicieras huecos en las paredes
I was afraid of your testosterone / Tenía miedo de tu testosterona

I have as much rage as you have / Yo tengo tanta rabia como vos
I have as much pain as you do / Tengo tanto dolor como vos
I´ve lived as much hell as you have / Y he vivido tanto infierno como vos
and i´ve kept mine bubbling under for you / pero mantuve bajo mi perfil, por vos

you were my best friend / fuiste mi mejor amigo
you were my lover / fuiste mi amante
you were my mentor / fuiste mi mentor
you were my brother / fuiste mi hermano
you were my partner / fuiste mi socio
you were my teacher / fuiste mi maestro
you were my very / fuiste la persona
own sympathetic character / con quien más me identificaba

I was afraid of verbal daggers / Tenía miedo de tus dagas verbales
I was afraid of the calm / Tenía miedo a la calma
before the storm / que precedía a la tormenta
I was afraid for my own bones / Temía por mis propios huesos
I was afraid of your seduction / Tenía miedo de tu seducción
I was afraid of your coersion / Tenía miedo de tu coerción
I was afraid of your rejection / Tenía miedo de tu rechazo
I was afraid of your intimidation / Tenía miedo a tu intimidación
I was afraid of your punishment / Tenía miedo a tus castigos
I was afraid of your icy silences / Tenía miedo a tus silencios helados
I was afraid of your volume / Tenía miedo a tu volumen
I was afraid of your manipulation / Tenía miedo a tu manipulación
I was afraid of your explosions / Tenía miedo a tus explosiones

I have as much rage as you have / Yo tengo tanta rabia como vos
I have as much pain as you do / Tengo tanto dolor como vos
I´ve lived as much hell as you have / Y he vivido tanto infierno como vos
and i´ve kept mine bubbling under for you / Pero mantuve bajo mi perfil, por vos

You were my keeper / Fuiste mi guardián
you were my anchor / fuiste mi ancla
you were my family / fuiste mi familia
you were my saviour / fuiste mi salvador
and therein lay the issue / y ahí es donde está el asunto
and therein lay the problem / ahí es donde reside el problema